Kamis, 23 April 2009

no more say...

honestly my heart is screaming
screaming something that i don't understand
afraid to be understood
and just let it be happen and drives me blue all the time
may I ask something?
but i think i don't have right for it
may i shout out?
but I think it's not my capacity to shout out
may I express?
but I think it will make you mad
may I keep it?
Yes you may..
But it just bothers me and brings tears in my eyes
so what i can do?
just to be quite and let everything hurts me and see you laugh behind my cry?
i have done!
and my tears become a daily schedule in my box
poor you...poor me
Just waiting for my last breath to let it be...
This love too much and drowning me deep
makes me breathless and just smile though sad inside
having no courage to say the truth and asking for the truth
cus i think i have no right for it
maybe i will die with my stupid love for you
you even never know..or you don't want to know
can you imagine how hurt it is for me?
can you feel how hard it is for me?
can you see how damn it is for me?
but i think you don't want to know
but i am just stepping my foot to you..
hold you tight and ask for a kiss
to feel that you love me too
though i don't know it's true or not
I'll die I think...
maybe tomorrow i will be an ice who never care about love again
just some words to accompany me spending this beautiful and cursing nite

if only you understand, it would be nice...thanks for these all....

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